Drive Associates are making a conscious effort to dedicate time to networking, frequently attending any network and marketing events which will boost the company profile, creating new business opportunities and raising brand awareness. 

The MD-based sales and marketing experts consider networking an invaluable tool and vital stepping stone on the path to entrepreneurial success. Mastering the art of networking has proven to have a hugely positive impact on both the success of the company and their individual contractors.

However, the company recognize how daunting networking can be for introverts who are forcing themselves out of their comfort zones and its CEO, offers some firsthand experience on the subject. “Networking can seem like alien territory at first, but once you have attended a few events and have practice conducting yourself as a confident, knowledgeable businessperson, it becomes second nature, opening up a world of opportunities.”

Drive Associates have recently compiled a comprehensive guide for self-confessed introverted entrepreneurs, outlining the importance of overcoming any obstacles standing in the way of their ability to network effectively.

  1. Preparation is key!

Preparing some go-to questions and icebreakers before the event will help people feel at ease, taking off some of the pressure of thinking on their feet. Memorising a brief summary about themselves and what they do is also a good way of preparing for an event and gives people the opportunity to remind themselves why they are there and what they can bring to the table.

  1. Keep it simple

People should try not to put pressure on themselves to say something memorable or witty. Instead, they should simply smile, focus on the conversations they are having and make sure their body language is open and relaxed. Others will respond well to positive body language and a friendly face.

  1. Be attentive

A common mistake many introverts make is not listening; letting their nerves get in the way of concentrating on the conversation instead. Instead, people should make a concerted effort to listen carefully to everyone they meet, taking in what they have to say and practising empathetic listening.

  1. Remember business cards

Business cards are a great way for people to get their name out there and conveying any extra information they may forget to mention at the time. Making a good impression is no good if the other person walks away without a reminder of the conversation or any contact information.

  1. Make a connection!

The vast range of social media available to us makes it possible for people to connect almost instantly with the those they meet at networking events. It’s important to take advantage of this platform, using contact information acquired from business cards to connect with any new acquaintance. Reaching out on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook also gives people a fantastic opportunity to continue a conversation without the added pressure of face to face contact.
